Out of sync

Hey hiddy ho sport fans!

Just finished up with an odd week with more turbulence ahead. But I'm trying to remain positive. Positively positive. I'm a registered positive-ican. I have a lot to be thankful for and and I'm holding onto that. While it was an odd week at work it was cool in the fact that I got to have dinner one night with my brother Joe was was in town for work and another night hosting my good friend John who was in town seeing some friends out in the burbs. I like weeks where real life breaks up work. Otherwise its just work and work is not who I am.

So on the training front, well that is going pretty well. Still with lots of ups and downs though. I was in a bit of a recovery week while Jen's plan has her pressing on. We are on two totally different paths to the same race. In the past when training for a marathon Jen and I followed set tried and true plans. Usually by the godfather himself, Hal Higdon. Well, we've both left the "family" and Jen is working off a plan set by the Nike SF Women's Marathon and I am being coached by my tri coach Brett Petersen. Jen's plan is the traditional 5 day a week run only plan with one cross training day while mine is still infused with a little bike here and a little swim there (can't loose that fitness). In the past our weeks may not have been exactly alike but we had similarly intense runs on the same days. Now we're totally off. Makes making plans on the weekends interesting. Like yesterday when Jen packed in 3 hours while I have a recovery week long run of "only" 11 miles. It puts us in two states of mind and body for the rest of the weekend. I'm kinda ready to go and get errands done and she deservedly just wants to rest.

Buts its all good and we try to make it work for us. Just gotta work on being sensitive to the other. I'm in a weird zone right now though. Nothing else to train for until the Marathon - that will be my next race. Do I dare get caught up in a countdown yet. Na. Its important but I don't want to give it that much importance. Its just one race. Just one run. Ahhh whatever. Now I'm off to go buy some light bulbs. Oh and for those of you watching Survivor...its just one great tribal council after another. Boy this season got real fun.
