Thursday Scramble: August 7, 2014

Schmit happens:
The Triathlife certainly had a different vision for this summer. Both my "build-to-Ironman" races were a bust. I missed the Rockford Triathlon in June after I put my bike on the tarmac the week before -- the wrist/thumb injury still lingers (bothersome on long rides and long swims). Then the day before we were set to leave for Door County mah doggie went and pinched a nerve in his neck (was told he may have slipped a disk) and he had to be under total puppy lock down (little to no activity). This was rough. We were totally packed. Door was our mid summer "race-cation" and having completed this race twice in the past we were really looking forward to some time up north. Could Lance have stayed with a local vet that boards sick doggies? Sure. Was I going to have any peace of mind? No way. I couldn't stomach putting him up in a strange place AND him staying in a crate 24 hours a day. As it was, we left him out of his crate and he literally laid on his left side with out moving for almost 72 hours straight. I'm still at peace with our decision not to go but my wallet lets out a huge sigh any time I even try to calculate lost race entry fees...this year and years past. But stuff happens. And that's why we call it "The Triathlife" and not "we have a perfect life and we do triathlon stuff and smell like roses after every long ride." It's time to dwell, time to move on (I realize the irony in that statement since I am writing about it now). And Schmitty married a planner so we are always looking forward. Oh you're a planner too? Well, last year we planned our vacations through 2017.  Yep. I'm looking right at you. I could probably submit my full year vacation requests for the next two years and be within a day or two of accurate.

Well, have you?!
Have you checked your bus for sleeping children?
I see this sign at least once a week as it's along one of my return routes (long rides). Middle of nowhere school bus depot in Burr Ridge, Illinois. It strikes me as funny. Especially in the absence of other bus driver/mechanical related reminders - e.g "Have you checked your tire pressure?" What could have happened necessitating such a sign...banner really. Was it a singular incident or had this bus sleeping children pandemic escalated to the point that the administration was like - "well, we've exhausted all of our options...the only thing left to try is a 10 foot by 5 foot bright green banner with large black letters. If that doesn't work, well, God help us all."

In sickness and in health
Jen is sick. Has been for 10 days. Like really sick. Like it turned into pink eye sick. Ironman is a month away. Schmitty is smack in the middle of the last big block of training before taper...getting in a lot of solid work...making lots of huge training deposits into the Iron bank. I know the dude in the white robe said "in sickness and in health" but if we had known then what we know now there would have been the Iron clause..."except when training for Ironman."  I love you Jen but Schmitty's got Ironman stuff to do. My baby wants Starbucks? Done. My baby wants flowers to cheer her up? Great. But just stay away from me and my stuff. They don't make Purell strong enough or water hot enough.

