For Nathan

Man I really hate to being cliche. But at this inhale moment and fresh beginning of the new year I am making a resolution on behalf of my good friend Nathan. I resolve to provide The some sort of content 4 times per week to The Triathlife blog. I also resolve to link to and follow other blog sites that pertain to the pursuit of endurance goodness but hold the right to deviate into topics related to Mickey Mouse, David Letterman, Cereal, Calvin and Hobbes, Starbucks Coffee, The Detroit Tigers, Toy Story, the color green, leather arm chairs, Christianity, The Amazing Race, Foo Fighters, Junior Mints, Ludwig Drum Kits, Nike Frees, Apple gadgetry, public transportation, The Ohio State University, Lance Armstrong, Pixar and the letter J.

Happy 2009



Anonymous said…
And, I will vow to read regularly except (positive) OSU related items.

- Nathan