Recovery week is usually a good time to baseline your fitness since we are still about a month out from the start of race season. And last night Coach Keith herded the goggled, swimming masses at the UIC pool for another 10x100m threshold pace swim test (:20s rest between each 100). I loath swim tests but gained another 3-4 seconds per 100 over my last test. Schmitty's still slow, just less slow than a month ago. As I say at all my races...any swim that I can walk away from is a good swim.
Is it selfish of me to think that I'm really glad Jen is getting back to her Jen self? I've tried my very best to keep things together here in casa de Schmitty but if you pull back the curtain there's a lot of Scotch tape and gum keeping everything from falling apart. Up to this point I've been just smart enough to keep my life, work and training propped up and moving forward. But Schmitty is reaching a tipping point and Jen's recovery is coming along at a good time. Thank God for our Triathlife together. There's no such thing as quit if you're a Schmitty. Although there's plenty of whining, complaining, shaking fists and cursing when the alarm goes off in the morning.